Friday, 29 July 2011

ihya' ramadhan

sy selalu notice, ramadhan will always b bulan yg everyone bersatu untuk beribadah..seolah2 satu ummah yg bergerak utk mencapai keredhaan Allah..bulan inilah yg menyatu padukan semua bangsa, pelbagai rupa, pelbagai ragam...plg menarik nk tgk ragam org adlh tyme berbuka n g bazaar..

i hope this ramadhan will bring more barakah n rahmat from Allah s.w.t..
i hope this ramadhan will be better than last year's ramadhan..
i hope this ramadhan will bring me to be a better person..
i hope i will use this ramadhan to gain kasih syg Allah as much as i can..

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my heart's a stereo

"My heart's a stereo
It beats for your, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo" la la..

siput yg menari nari,

Thursday, 28 July 2011

cinta kanak kanak riang

i love both of them. n i wish i have children to play with too. both of them were very cute + convincing while photo shoot. sgtlh nakal smpai i have to run nk suruh "please no wat shamtuee.."

n here it goes the pica's..:)

.excited with the bubbles.


.she's belagak-ing knows to sapu sampah.

.n later, play with the penyapu.

.always ketap the bibir.

.try to catch the bubbles.

.being girly-lah konon with the penyapu.

siput yg menari nari,

once in a lifetime journey

I've been moving to a single blog right now. specially made for photography, enjoy! i am welcoming criticism with a positive one, including a friend with thousands and millions suggestions.

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