Friday 30 September 2011

convo at ukm

been awhile jgak xwrite in this blog.. sgt2 slow, n been busy to adapt into new environment..gile lama nk adapt kat tmpt keje bru nih..but everythings turn up so well... i have a very supportive friends, office mate that are willing to help anytime.. thanks for that!

okay2..lpas shooting with thehijabstory for her new shawls <which seriously niceeeeyyy gileee>, ive made my decision utk pergi outdoor shoot at ukm.. okay, fun, tp mcm remeh jgakla bile ngan pics with family..everyone was like, "eh, nk gmbr cni...:, "eh, xnkla...nk cni..", its kind of wasting time...drpd book for 3 hours, dh jd 5 hours... ngantuk2...

the pica, will update later..xsmpat2 agy nk msukkn gmbr..