Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Wishlist KBKH (Bajet Cun Punye Tajuk)..

Hi Guys,
been trying to update on 1 Muharram, tp xsempat plak..n the internet connection sgtlah siput.so, here it goes.

WISHLIST KBKH (ko jgn bajet hot sgt nk english2)

azam tahun baru, 1 muharram

1.     Be a good,great, number 1  muslim, much much better muslim than year before. Im planning my own schedule in my preparation to be a better person.
i.                     Attend usrah every week, no more excuses.
ii.                   Eliminates all bad habits, if possible. I know it’s impossible to remove all bad habits, but am gonna reduce it at least, this year.
iii.                  Be physically fit and take a good care of my health
iv.                 Spending time with family more, than works, friends n photography
v.                   Preparing myself to be a good wife n mother

*thanks uncle google*

2.      Be superbly volunteer for the current NGOs that im joining in..rase2nye kne sgt2 active this year, n hopefully chosen utk join the misi keamanan, program2 amal.
i.                     Distribute foods to the poorer
ii.                   Volunteers for students/education program dkat sekolah2 luar bandar
iii.                  PH, Kenya, Somalia to lend a helpful hands

*they are sooo beautiful, indeed..love seeing their happy faces*

3.       Be exceptionally great student and lecturer-to-be
i.                     Trying so hard to finish master and phd, i.Allah in a great range of time. But first, finish my application to the uni(which I just submitted the application last night).
ii.                   Hopefully, Du’a and tawakkal that I can get scholarship to further outside, but if not, im continuing inside, with TPM scholarship.
iii.                  No more excuses not-to-study or malas to further now or any irrelevant procrastinate excuses, will make daddy n mummy proud once again just like during degree time. Im going to get the awards once again. Hoping for my parent’s blessing and du’a so that I can get redha Allah.
iv.                 Hopefully reading novels-which out of student life, still can be done. Target novel this year : 50 pieces to finish..(fuuhhh..xtaw berjaya ke x) but first, Great Expectation by Charles Dickens due this Friday..(arahan yg sgt tegas dr KZ)

*credit to bro googs for this amazing capture of muslimah, studying but never forget to pray*

4.     Be a much much much strong women in the world, no more cry baby, + be more mature (KZ SURUH: xbapa setuju sbb I rse I dh mature..haha)
i.                      menjadi sgt rock anggun and I won’t bother anymore about people that is not worth staying in my heart+life
ii.                   Appreciate my friends a lot more than last year in every way.
iii.                  No more KBKH. 

*rocky's skirties harus jd rock*

5.       Be a great photographer and musician of myself
i.                     So, ni personal statement, great=great at my eyes and my loved ones
ii.                   Consider to take environment’s n children’s photographs more than other subject. Relatively because it soothe my feelings and for me to have a correct direction
iii.                  Musician=Guitarist=try to compose at least one song with new guitar. Trying=trying very hard sbb bru sgt2 blajar guitar chords ngan younger brother. Song=lagu ketuhanan upon my feelings to be grateful of what I had until now.

*rasenye xtamak kot nk guitar n camera..:D..syg adik comels*

till then, tp rsenye akn ammend agy list ni dri semasa ke semasa..*muka tamak*..manyak sgt ko wish tu, ko rase berjaya ke nk capai semua?

xpela, aku yakin boleh..haha..kalau xboleh, sambungla next year..tp setakat ni, keyakinan tu ade..biasela..awal2 lg an..dh ujung2 nnt, lemah gemalai nk kejar wishlist Ko Bajet Ko Hot (KBKH)..

maka, doakan saya ye kawan2..

much much much love for reading this!
very much appreciated..:D

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Ceritera Cinta Konvo : Part I, Pre Convo

Hi Guys,
ye, sy tahu gile lmbt nk update gmbr konvo an.. mslhnye xde mase..duk mencarik2 mase nk upload gambar2 anggun ni, mslhnye, masa sgt mencemburui sy..<pdhal procrastinate> haha..naseblah..tp mmg bz..

sebelum upload gambar nk bebel gak psal kerja, alhamdulillah, after today, i have passed 2 months of struggling with time, and hopefully by tomorrow dh mcm boleh ilek sket, no stayback anymore at office until 12am.. it was soooo not me..tp when it comes to responsibility, u have no choice. im getting paid every month kan, so mcm berdosa klau xkerja ngan sungguh2 n ikhlas..

i am thankful for having great environment, great colleagues, good friends, though some of them are not that-good, i believe, we're human afterall.. mneade manusia yg perfect.. so, stick to the philosophy
you come to love, friendship, relationship not by finding the perfect person, but by seing an imperfect person perfectly
as for that, i never judge my friends, how bad they are, how good they are.. they are human, just like me..so ko jgn nk perasan dri ko bagus sgt, hot sgt, rock sgt, anggun sgt..<eh, xanggun, tgh cuba jd anggun>..im trying to be as best as i can, as i believe evryone does. so, chill ya, life is something that we wanted to discover. not something that we wanted to wait pegun-ly.

so, here the pics of convo, i have no other stories of this pre-convo except that im missing my babes so much..we havent meet for 2 months++, n we met for the first time to collect the jubah..sgt2 happening, n i never thought that we actually having a great moments wlapun xlama..sbb its about to rain, n cda need to go back to Pahang as soon as she can..so, enjoicey!!

*candid before taking serius pics*

*the cuaca xbpe nk cantik lighting, sorry for the darkness*

*same as before*

*yeay yippi!!graduate already:D*

 *we're holding hands because we are besfrens*<mcm xde kaitan je>haha

 *trying to convince the future*

 *were laughed hardly because of the baju mengandung*

 *we cannot stop laughing, mcm biasa*

 *hugs hugs hugs..i love u guys..<gile mcm lesbian>..haha*

*final hug for the day..:'(..missing u guys already*

~nota kaki 1: sorry sgt2 for the pics quality, speedlight xde, flash xde, cuaca mendung and baout to rain, so accept jela apa yg ade eh..:D

~nota kaki 2: i love them so much because they are not friends for benefits. i hate those kind of friends. friendship is something that is worth waiting and fighting for. you are not friending when you want and leave when you don't.

~nota kaki 3: if someone wants to be part of your life, they'll be there, just like my girl n guy friends. so, i don't bother saving a spot for someone who won't make an effort to stay.

~nota kaki 4: sometimes when you give up on someone, it's not because you don't care anymore but you realize they don't. so, please, let me get out of your stupid-friendship-life because at this moment, i wanted to give up on you.

~nota kaki akhir, setelah kaki bengkak asek tulis nota kaki: i'll update the convocation day with stries later, after i have soooo muchhh time like today.

many many many thanks for reading this, i love you guys!
heart deep deep..

warm regards, (dh mcm nk tulis email kat client)
siput yg cuba menjadi anggun..:D

Monday, 21 November 2011

go go power ranges

go go power ranges!!eh, salah..go go power puff girls..eh, bukan.. go go harimau malaya..

sy syg Malaysia!proud to be malaysians..:D

today,tonite,now..no matter what races we are, what religion we hold onto, what skin color do we have, we stay as one at mamak.. we cheers for Malaysia..

congrats guys for the great performance, though there were some slack here and there, we were human after all.. alhamdulillah ya Rahman, for the achievements..

okay,aku dh rase mcm amek exam plak..haha..

till then,
harimau menari indah..:D

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Aslaily Jelita dh tujukan pd Fatin Anggun..

Terkadang kamu melepaskan seseorang, bukan kerana kamu berhenti mencintainya, tetapi kerana sebesar mana pun usahamu, dia tetap bukan untukmu...

Thanks babe,
cinta kamu <3..haha

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Dinner wth Big Family

today was a great day..ouh,sorry..its already past 12..so,shall i call yesterday?yeah,yesterday...yesterday was a great day..

all family members gathered for bbq, my big brothers were heavenly happy,bought lamb n all..manyak gile sume org mkn..n it was a magic moments to share stories n thoughts..

i love it when it comes to fmily gathering..the sense of sharing each other love was a memorable moments,undeniable by anything..

can't wait to have my own family!!so that this family will bcome bigger!!..cc:KZ..ill wait even for another 8 years..:D

till then, some photos taken..not all family members were in these photos..sbb xteringat nk amek gmbr..bile dh nk blik bru amek..:(


Friday, 11 November 2011

Jalan Jalan Stress PO

so today,should b wordless wednesday, but i hv sme pics to share jln2 kat bukit kat putrajaya..it was a very beau scenery..sgt2 cntik..

nota kaki:please disregard the past 2 posts yg berterabur gmbrnye,bcos ive been update my blog using phone..:)

Healing Process


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Bila byk ticket yg perlu d approve..:(

so,was talking n asking kakti regarding ffr tickets when 'me n she' was forced to capture the moment..:) enjoice the workplace..:D

14000++ tickets to approve n check..smpt agy wat keje gile..;P

later,tf as usualll..:D

Friday, 4 November 2011

Thursday, 3 November 2011


Hi Guys,

I'm quoting something from a friend.. kekadang rase gak perasaan perasan cenggini...:D

"I'm sorry I misunderstood all our laughs, long nights, sweet texts & inside jokes as your caring-ness. 

I'll think twice before wasting my time again."

