Thursday, 29 December 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Tutelage Me London!!

Hi Guys, Salam.
Tutelage me London! Though u never get away from my mind, at least this journey is something : to help me forget u..(i hope, i wish.. stop coming into my dream..)

walupun worldless, sbb dh thursday an, sikit je i nk paste this beautiful quotes;

" My dear Adam,
U don't have to drive any BMW or Mercedes or Skyline to be gorgeous. Be an imam in prayers, that's how I define Gorgeous.

U don't have to have a nice voice and hush me with lovely songs to woo me. Recite the Kalamullah, Al-Quranul Kareem, that's how i would melt.

U don't have to be rich for me to love u. I'll love u as long as u are the one will bring us to Jannah

Your Hawa. "

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

1000 Jiwa 1 Hati : A really, truly different New Year's Celebration!

HI Guys, salam

"He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetry." by Harold Wilson.

i guess for changes to be made, we have to bear any consequences that society might discriminate/accepted. New Year's celebration has been tradition for decades in our country with fireworks, popular artists, street singers and dancers- all in one combined making a great night to be celebrated by friends, couples, and even families. i myself have once been in that situation-just to experience how big the event was, how beautiful the fireworks sparks, n how i can actually see the realll situation of the event.

which perhaps not-so-really suitable for a muslim-my opinion, but still, as i saw, muslims were the majority went there; to celebrate that as part of their yearly activities.i'm not trying to be bajet-bagus as i am not, there are still lots of improvement to be made in myself, but somehow i think, wouldn't it be great if we can have our own-muslim events that night?

 it's not a plain activities-yet we can still celebrating new year with popular artists, meeting other muslims-with different generation, enjoying the fireworks of rahmat and redha Allah that night. thank Allah, yes, we have! and actually i miss out this event made last year. But this year, and i hope the following year, i will be able to attend to this such incredible events.

sy tidak mahu kedekut utk memberitahu, come guys, please do come to this meeting of 1000 jiwa 1 hati:Anda Bijak Jauhi Zina. the event details can be found here :

1. Facebook Page Event
2. Raudhatus Sakinah Webpage

Even if you guys aren't able to register now, you can still come, walk in-basis on the Saturday to enjoy this event. This is at least something that we can do together as muslims. The vision was to collect at least 1000 participants that day, but wasn't it cool if all of us boleh bergabung bahu to make it 10,000? Believe me, you won't regret attending this!!!

i really really really really does hope can meet you guys there. we are the youngest generation, should experience this, and make the first move to do the changes.

we are not boycott-ting the way new year's celebration that was done until now, we are just the new generation, seeking for changes in celebrating it.

"Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history. " by Joan Wallach Scott

k guys,
please spread the word!
<much much much love!>

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Monday, 19 December 2011

Budak Budak Zaman Sekarang

Hi Guys..
hmm...been busy with works, study, NGOs events, my babes, dh lame ase xupdate xpela...over the weekend, rse nk gelak pon ade, rse nk mrh pon ade, malu pon ade..sumenye mcm bercampur baur ibarat nasi air sedap kat kedai mak cik kat bwh rumah tu..semuanya sbb si kenit wiwi, my baby yg sgtlah xtahu nk sebut die tu sgt ape..

i guess that's what differ between children nowadays ngan kanak kanak zaman kite dlu..

1. sy dlu main guli...wiwi skang maen baling2 batu kat angrybird..
2. sy dlu main pondok pondok wat dr jerami..wiwi skang wat rumah ape tah kat ipad,iphone,galaxy tab
3. sy dlu tgk tv hitam, xla, tgk tv ade kaler tp suram suram je warna dia..wiwi skang asal jumpe sy je, "uda nk tgk cite bonyet boneh x?"..pastu dgn tgn kecik die duk tekan youtube, in fact dh feveretkan sume cite gajah, spongebob, tom jerry die..

hadoyh..kite tgk jela dr jauh klau di dh dpt tepon kite tu..usya slack jela..

bile nk mrh, die peluk, cium terus cair..xpela wiwi, amekla enpon uda tu..mmg uda beli khas utk wiwi..

hmm..and over the weekend, sy kne grounded on saturday..sbb dh lame xspend time ngan family..:D..sorry ibu, ayh..been busy wth study n works, and NGO events..promise! until Jan je..:D

n on Sunday tu, i met special kids, ..thought of buying him smething..nntla i bought for him ya..n pergi snggah jap kat rantai art event at urban village..pastu smpai umah, lpas solat zuhur, trus collapse..

n this is the beginning of the children nowadays sgt2 lain ngan kanak2 kita sdg whatsapp apabila sy terlena...n bila sy terjaga..ini hasilnya..ini cumalah suku drpd mangsa diaaaa..yg plg truk kne hack..xmuat sy nk print screen sume..:(

again, mlm tu lpas dh explain kat everyone, saying sorry for all the phone calls yg die wat, n for the emoticons viruses, die anta last emoticon viruses before die blik umah....

xpsal psal aku kene immature act..hadoyhla..

sesungguhnya, ini bknlah kali pertama dia wat mcm ni, tp ni plg ekstrem rsenye, smpai abes sume org die call di dalam dan luar negara, termasukla bos sy semasa praktikal dlu..jd, maafkn sy ye, kpd semua yg menerima panggilan misteri dan emoticons viruses yesterday..n day before juga pernah mengalaminya sepertin anda semua...

n ade yg lebih truk dr ni, dn berpuluh puluh msg ksoong dr halimunan

maafkn sy ye kawan kawan, n maafkn sy juga wahai bos..harusnya selepas ini lebih berhati hati dgn sgt mendalam. trying to promise! these ctuation won't happened again!..soryy guys..wlaupun malu n all that, sy tetap rse nk tergelak stp kali teringat..haha

budak budak zaman sekarang....

nota kaki 1: sy xseharusnya tidur memgang telefon smbil membuka aplikasi yg memudahkan wiwi hack..(eg:whatsapp, call log..) kerana die menekan sesedap rase die

nota kaki 2: mngkin harus membeli handphone lain utk sy dn berikan sje telefon ni pd die

nota kaki 3: nk beli handphone yg mcm air botol kita dlu2..bile tekan, berbunyi, die bdak2 skang mcm dh xpndg je teknologi yg pd kita masa zaman kite dlu dh hebat gile...


nota kaki yg x berkaki : jgn malukan dri sendiri lg.


Friday, 9 December 2011

Tomato dan Kemarahan

Hi guys,

eagerly to share this awesome-incredible short film produce by mlysian. this one was awesome..sgt2 awesome!

take a look. share while u can. sgt2 bermanfaat.

the music, the colors, the actors, are blended well to make up a strong storyline and great teacher to us.

enjoice di pagi jumaat!

bye guys,eat tomato for great skin!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Wordless Wednesday : Make Me Strong

Ya Rabb,
Make me strong. You are my strength ya Rabb.

"Bila selangkah ku rapat padaMu, seribu langkah Kau rapat padaku"

stronger, n even stronger,

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Dialog Master, Exam dan Joe Brooks Superman

Hi Guys,

"if i could be your superman, I'd fly you to the stars and back again." superman by joe brooks.

Hmm..xberapa ade mende nk ckp. Tp rse mcm perlu menulis dengan cara yg plg bajet hot skali. sy risau. kerisauan yg melampau ni menyebabkan sy rase nk tampar diri sy berkali kali dengan mengatakan bahawa

"cik fatin anggun, anda xperlu risau. org anggun xboleh risau."

malangnya sy bukanlah anggun, maka sy harus risau. Hmmmmmmmmmm..ehemmm..okay, tekak dh start jela cerita..

Akak JPA yg mempunyai mata yg cun (AJYMMYC) : Ye dik, kenapa ya?
Fatin Anggun (FA) : dh dpt unconditional offer dr KCL..
AJYMMYC : okay, bagus, alhamdulillah. adik dpt course ape ye?
FA : hmmm...ASE..
AJYMMYC : okay, tgk letter..

setelah dia membelek seikhlas hati, dia pandang sy dengan mata dia yg cun,

AJYMMYC : sebenarnye cani dik, starting 11 Nov 2011, JPA dh listkn top 50 world ranking university ikut subject/area of interest. kalau xde dlm senrai ni, kitorg xdpt nk process that application. so, mcm course ASE ni, dlm physical science, and KCL xde dlm Pysical science list. its either u tukar course to health sc/social sc. tp nk tukar course msti ssh, cube adik try apply uni lain..dlm physical sc..adik pny cg bpe eh?
FA : hmm..3++..
AJYMMYC : tggi result adik tu..cube try apply cambridge ke, oxford ke klau nk g uk...
FA : sambil menjerit sy berkata:

"haaa? akak, akak rase2 sng ke nk apply msuk uni tu? sy xrase sy boleh nk apply uni tu..terlalu sukar..sukar gile2..mmg xla kaannnnn"

okay, sy menjerit dlm hati jela...xdela jerit dpn die..mau trus xdpt scholar...lgpun, sy kn anggun..

pastu, sy pndg ibu. ibu pandang sy blik.
sy pndg ibu blik. ibu pndg sy blik.
sy pndg ibu lg. ibu pndg sy blik lg.
sy pndg ibu sekali lg. ibu dh xpndg sy blik.

tandanya, ibu nk suh sy applyla tu..:(..ibu...susah bu..(sy berkata dlm hati)..

lepas berpandang pandang dengan ibu, ibu berpandang2 dgn AJYMMYC.. pastu ibu pun bersuara...

Ibu kepada Fatin Anggun (IKFA) : ouh, jap sy nmpk ade edin dlm list physical sc, so, mcm FA, die dh dpt from edin, tp conditional utk AI. kire, bolehla kan nk apply scholar..
AJYMMYC : hmm..boleh auntie..

(aku dh senyum habis anggun dh tyme ni..rse nk lompat2 peluk ibu..)

AJYMMYC : tp kn auntie, rugila...knapa auntie xtry apply dlu uni camb n ox tu..rugi, sbb die ade chances besar nk g situ..n klau dpt sne, i.Allah sng trus dpt scholar..
IKFA : ouh, yeke?

pastu, sy pndg ibu. ibu pandang sy blik.
sy pndg ibu blik. ibu pndg sy blik.
sy pndg ibu lg. ibu pndg sy blik lg.
sy pndg ibu sekali lg. ibu dh xpndg sy blik.

(mase tyme ni, sy dh rse nk cabut mata cun akak tu..nk nanges pon ade..dh bergenang2 dh..smbil ckp dlm hati..."akak, sshla xtahu cambane nk terang kat ni dala low self esteem...:'(" )

IKFA : oh, klau mcm tu, xpela..kite try jela sume dlu ya..i.Allah, ade rezeki, adela ya.
AJYMMYC : betul tu auntie..kite cube, n lg satu, nnt bile dh msuk april, cube adik try apply agung pny scholar..yg tu akn dpt lebih byk berbanding JPA.. tp yg tu kne lalu several stage of mesti boleh pny, adik pnye result, n kk sume okay..try ya..
FA : okay kak, nnt sy cube ye..(dlm hati.."hish, ssh kot..xrase lgsg sng....:'( " xpela...iyekn jela..akak ni, naseb cun..sejuk sket mate memandang walaupun dh rse emo2..)
AJYMMYC : okay, nnt lpas dh dpt sume, adik trus apply je ye, dtg cni, hntr borg k..nnt cptlah ktorg process..
FA : baik kak, terima kasih byk2 ye kak..

sy senyum, dn berlalu dgn penuh keanggunan bersama ibu.......

maka, seperti biasa, mlm tu KZ call dr UK..

KZ : so, hows ur application? scholar?
FA : not so good..need to re-apply for listed uni, ranked by times, approved by jpa.
KZ : so how?
FA : i need to apply for camb n ox as well. Others dh apply, i need to apply but the pin number, 50 pounds... (suara dh serak2, menahan air mata..bergenang..)
KZ : okay, never mind, i'll buy that pin number for u. thought i can buy another lacoste shoes with that money..(dgn nada bergurau..)..
FA : ha ha ha..(gelak xikhlas)
KZ : okay, sensed something. what's wrong?
FA : it's not about money. ibu pon dh offer nk byrkn the pin number. nothing to do with money. the problem, my problem now is, i don't think i cn make it. u know, it's hard. damn hard. confirm i cannot make it. it's not easy. i even have to go through vid conference for interview, u's hard..(n manyaklah lg perkataan yg keluar yg mksud die sme je sbnrnye..maksud sebenar susah..)...

setelah 30 minit ckp mende yg sama, yg membawa maksud susah...KZ yg diam ibarat bestfriend yg sgt memahami, bersuara dgn tegasnya...

KZ : stop over there. u don't have to explain how hard it is. dala asek ulang je..ayt je lain, maksud sme jgak. u xpernah lg rse susah. please have a little bit confident in urself. u xpernah ade confident in urself. dr dulu lg. everytime exam, everytime keluar dwn exam, nanges giile2..kate xboleh buat, careless here and there..nk mkn pon xlalu, nk ckp pon smpai xkeluar suara..menangis nonstop smpai xleh nk fokus paper the end, bile kuar result, power je. have a little bit confident in urself. nothing in this world is easy. sume ssh, u have to try then bru u know how hard it is, whether u cn actually have the chance to get it. ni xtry lg dh ckp ssh, dh nk giveup.
FA : yes, org ni lain, ni seriously ssh..
KZ : klau ssh, then xpayah buat. xpyh apply. xpyh smbg blaja. u work over there forever. xyah study.

okay, time ni dh nanges gile2..xde dh sebak2..KZ xpernah mrh okay..okay, pernahla..2 kali je kot spnjg 3thun setengah bestfriend ngan die..

KZ : u have to try. the fear is just like wind. jgnla duk sebut takut2..mende tu ur illusion je..if u takut, then study for the exam, for the entry requirement exam. go study. jgn asek kate takut, but u do nothing. sme mcm novel yg org bg, dh 3 years, n u haven't finish that novel yet. no more procrastination. go study. go du'a. go pray to Allah. He will always be there for u. u never know what's the best for u. klau dh Allah kata, ur goin to study here, i.Allah, Allah akn permudahkan. tp klau dh Allah kate no fatin, u go study at MY, then, u buat cmne pon, ur belong there. but first, u have to try as hard as u can. strive for it. buckle up. just go try, n u won't lose anything pon. i'm goin to buy that pin number for u. u go study, n take the exam. u have less than one month. go study as hard as u can. no more procrastinate. okay?
FA : .....(meleleh leleh dh airmata, bercampur hingus2, dh xleh jwb dh...)
KZ : okay, i'll take ur silence as yes. tonite. go to sleep early. starting tomorrow, make schedule, go study. gtg. i have class. tc of urself. no more fear to something that is irrelevant. have some confidence in urself. pray that Allah will always make things easier for you. du'a for the best, n u'll get the best. okay?
FA : ...masih tidak bersuara..
KZ : okay, i need to grab lunch. talk to u later. assalamualaikum.
FA : waalaikumussalam...(dengan penuh rasa sebak...)

i never thought that KZ will grow mature this far. we've been close for 3 and half years, n i'm seeing him mature over there. xde mse dh nk pujuk2 sy mcm dlu. sgt tegas dgn keputusan die. maka sy harus menjadi tegas juga. sy tahu, mmg sy lemah, tp sy kn wanita..mmglah lemah..perlukn sokongan.

 *ini adlh KZ yg sgt serius to Fara for this pics..:D*

maka, ats sebab KZ yg akn sponsor utk membeli pin number sy utk application ox n camb, maka sy harus study. sy harus belajar bersungguh2. i have less than one month to prepare everything, the proposal, the exam, n alhamdulillah, i have kakti that willingly to go thru this with me together. nk further sama2. n nk blaja sama2. so, we already make a great schedule, n ill b in study group everyday with kakti until 11 pm. n we're gonna make it, will pray for the best.

*ini KZ yg bajet superman, i think Azri make this. credit to him..:)..*

disebabkn KZ sgt suka superman..(which i don't understand y men like superman so much..), i nk tujukn lagu superman by Joe Brooks yg sgt cute utk KZ..

n jgn lupe, sapa2 yg free, boleh join contest nk dptkn ticket free g concert joe brooks kat sngapore. check it out kat flyfm, ngan jaydee..

k guys, i tahu bebel pnjg gile, sbb sy xtahu bile mase sy akn mmpunyai mse lg seperti ini..kerana sy akn start fokus utk stady..mungkin memeramkan dri dn hibernate dr blog selama sebulan...maka pnjg sketla bebelan ni..

nota kaki 1 : mekaseh ayh n ibu for the endless support. mostly mentally and spiritually.
nota kaki 2 : thanks skirties, clan, kakti n KZ for the incredible-awesomness friendship that help me to go thru this.
nota kaki 3 : Alhamdulillah ya Rabb for everything that You has planned for me. I'm grateful, n always be, forever and ever. make me redha for everything that You has planned for me, bcos i know, it's the best for me.

Finally, thanks readers, cos u were there to listen to my bebeling..i love u guys..
heart deep deep. <3

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Wishlist KBKH (Bajet Cun Punye Tajuk)..

Hi Guys,
been trying to update on 1 Muharram, tp xsempat plak..n the internet connection sgtlah, here it goes.

WISHLIST KBKH (ko jgn bajet hot sgt nk english2)

azam tahun baru, 1 muharram

1.     Be a good,great, number 1  muslim, much much better muslim than year before. Im planning my own schedule in my preparation to be a better person.
i.                     Attend usrah every week, no more excuses.
ii.                   Eliminates all bad habits, if possible. I know it’s impossible to remove all bad habits, but am gonna reduce it at least, this year.
iii.                  Be physically fit and take a good care of my health
iv.                 Spending time with family more, than works, friends n photography
v.                   Preparing myself to be a good wife n mother

*thanks uncle google*

2.      Be superbly volunteer for the current NGOs that im joining in..rase2nye kne sgt2 active this year, n hopefully chosen utk join the misi keamanan, program2 amal.
i.                     Distribute foods to the poorer
ii.                   Volunteers for students/education program dkat sekolah2 luar bandar
iii.                  PH, Kenya, Somalia to lend a helpful hands

*they are sooo beautiful, seeing their happy faces*

3.       Be exceptionally great student and lecturer-to-be
i.                     Trying so hard to finish master and phd, i.Allah in a great range of time. But first, finish my application to the uni(which I just submitted the application last night).
ii.                   Hopefully, Du’a and tawakkal that I can get scholarship to further outside, but if not, im continuing inside, with TPM scholarship.
iii.                  No more excuses not-to-study or malas to further now or any irrelevant procrastinate excuses, will make daddy n mummy proud once again just like during degree time. Im going to get the awards once again. Hoping for my parent’s blessing and du’a so that I can get redha Allah.
iv.                 Hopefully reading novels-which out of student life, still can be done. Target novel this year : 50 pieces to finish..(fuuhhh..xtaw berjaya ke x) but first, Great Expectation by Charles Dickens due this Friday..(arahan yg sgt tegas dr KZ)

*credit to bro googs for this amazing capture of muslimah, studying but never forget to pray*

4.     Be a much much much strong women in the world, no more cry baby, + be more mature (KZ SURUH: xbapa setuju sbb I rse I dh mature..haha)
i.                      menjadi sgt rock anggun and I won’t bother anymore about people that is not worth staying in my heart+life
ii.                   Appreciate my friends a lot more than last year in every way.
iii.                  No more KBKH. 

*rocky's skirties harus jd rock*

5.       Be a great photographer and musician of myself
i.                     So, ni personal statement, great=great at my eyes and my loved ones
ii.                   Consider to take environment’s n children’s photographs more than other subject. Relatively because it soothe my feelings and for me to have a correct direction
iii.                  Musician=Guitarist=try to compose at least one song with new guitar. Trying=trying very hard sbb bru sgt2 blajar guitar chords ngan younger brother. Song=lagu ketuhanan upon my feelings to be grateful of what I had until now.

*rasenye xtamak kot nk guitar n camera..:D..syg adik comels*

till then, tp rsenye akn ammend agy list ni dri semasa ke semasa..*muka tamak*..manyak sgt ko wish tu, ko rase berjaya ke nk capai semua?

xpela, aku yakin boleh..haha..kalau xboleh, sambungla next setakat ni, keyakinan tu ade..biasela..awal2 lg an..dh ujung2 nnt, lemah gemalai nk kejar wishlist Ko Bajet Ko Hot (KBKH)..

maka, doakan saya ye kawan2..

much much much love for reading this!
very much appreciated..:D

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Ceritera Cinta Konvo : Part I, Pre Convo

Hi Guys,
ye, sy tahu gile lmbt nk update gmbr konvo an.. mslhnye xde mase..duk mencarik2 mase nk upload gambar2 anggun ni, mslhnye, masa sgt mencemburui sy..<pdhal procrastinate> mmg bz..

sebelum upload gambar nk bebel gak psal kerja, alhamdulillah, after today, i have passed 2 months of struggling with time, and hopefully by tomorrow dh mcm boleh ilek sket, no stayback anymore at office until 12am.. it was soooo not when it comes to responsibility, u have no choice. im getting paid every month kan, so mcm berdosa klau xkerja ngan sungguh2 n ikhlas..

i am thankful for having great environment, great colleagues, good friends, though some of them are not that-good, i believe, we're human afterall.. mneade manusia yg perfect.. so, stick to the philosophy
you come to love, friendship, relationship not by finding the perfect person, but by seing an imperfect person perfectly
as for that, i never judge my friends, how bad they are, how good they are.. they are human, just like ko jgn nk perasan dri ko bagus sgt, hot sgt, rock sgt, anggun sgt..<eh, xanggun, tgh cuba jd anggun> trying to be as best as i can, as i believe evryone does. so, chill ya, life is something that we wanted to discover. not something that we wanted to wait pegun-ly.

so, here the pics of convo, i have no other stories of this pre-convo except that im missing my babes so much..we havent meet for 2 months++, n we met for the first time to collect the jubah..sgt2 happening, n i never thought that we actually having a great moments wlapun xlama..sbb its about to rain, n cda need to go back to Pahang as soon as she, enjoicey!!

*candid before taking serius pics*

*the cuaca xbpe nk cantik lighting, sorry for the darkness*

*same as before*

*yeay yippi!!graduate already:D*

 *we're holding hands because we are besfrens*<mcm xde kaitan je>haha

 *trying to convince the future*

 *were laughed hardly because of the baju mengandung*

 *we cannot stop laughing, mcm biasa*

 *hugs hugs hugs..i love u guys..<gile mcm lesbian>..haha*

*final hug for the day..:'(..missing u guys already*

~nota kaki 1: sorry sgt2 for the pics quality, speedlight xde, flash xde, cuaca mendung and baout to rain, so accept jela apa yg ade eh..:D

~nota kaki 2: i love them so much because they are not friends for benefits. i hate those kind of friends. friendship is something that is worth waiting and fighting for. you are not friending when you want and leave when you don't.

~nota kaki 3: if someone wants to be part of your life, they'll be there, just like my girl n guy friends. so, i don't bother saving a spot for someone who won't make an effort to stay.

~nota kaki 4: sometimes when you give up on someone, it's not because you don't care anymore but you realize they don't. so, please, let me get out of your stupid-friendship-life because at this moment, i wanted to give up on you.

~nota kaki akhir, setelah kaki bengkak asek tulis nota kaki: i'll update the convocation day with stries later, after i have soooo muchhh time like today.

many many many thanks for reading this, i love you guys!
heart deep deep..

warm regards, (dh mcm nk tulis email kat client)
siput yg cuba menjadi anggun..:D

Monday, 21 November 2011

go go power ranges

go go power ranges!!eh, salah..go go power puff, bukan.. go go harimau malaya..

sy syg Malaysia!proud to be malaysians..:D

today,tonite, matter what races we are, what religion we hold onto, what skin color do we have, we stay as one at mamak.. we cheers for Malaysia..

congrats guys for the great performance, though there were some slack here and there, we were human after all.. alhamdulillah ya Rahman, for the achievements..

okay,aku dh rase mcm amek exam plak..haha..

till then,
harimau menari indah..:D

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Aslaily Jelita dh tujukan pd Fatin Anggun..

Terkadang kamu melepaskan seseorang, bukan kerana kamu berhenti mencintainya, tetapi kerana sebesar mana pun usahamu, dia tetap bukan untukmu...

Thanks babe,
cinta kamu <3..haha

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Dinner wth Big Family

today was a great day..ouh,sorry..its already past,shall i call yesterday?yeah,yesterday...yesterday was a great day..

all family members gathered for bbq, my big brothers were heavenly happy,bought lamb n all..manyak gile sume org mkn..n it was a magic moments to share stories n thoughts..

i love it when it comes to fmily gathering..the sense of sharing each other love was a memorable moments,undeniable by anything..

can't wait to have my own family!!so that this family will bcome bigger!! wait even for another 8 years..:D

till then, some photos taken..not all family members were in these photos..sbb xteringat nk amek gmbr..bile dh nk blik bru amek..:(


Friday, 11 November 2011

Jalan Jalan Stress PO

so today,should b wordless wednesday, but i hv sme pics to share jln2 kat bukit kat was a very beau scenery..sgt2 cntik..

nota kaki:please disregard the past 2 posts yg berterabur gmbrnye,bcos ive been update my blog using phone..:)

Healing Process


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Bila byk ticket yg perlu d approve..:(

so,was talking n asking kakti regarding ffr tickets when 'me n she' was forced to capture the moment..:) enjoice the workplace..:D

14000++ tickets to approve n check..smpt agy wat keje gile..;P

later,tf as usualll..:D

Friday, 4 November 2011

Thursday, 3 November 2011


Hi Guys,

I'm quoting something from a friend.. kekadang rase gak perasaan perasan cenggini...:D

"I'm sorry I misunderstood all our laughs, long nights, sweet texts & inside jokes as your caring-ness. 

I'll think twice before wasting my time again."



Friday, 28 October 2011

Teaser: Ceritera Cinta Konvo

Hi guys!
Teaser dulu eh, been very busy with the FY12. will upload more pics later!:D

*with the baby*


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Please heart, be strong!

Please heart, be strong!! u rock babe..:)
(izzah, 2011)

sooo truee,